. The 179th ASH company was born in Fort Benning, Georgia as a medium helicopter company.
Fort Benning Field Operations
Steve,Greek,Murphy, Whalens, Doherty, Watkins, and Chuck
Left: The 179th flight line at Fort Benning.
Right: 10th Aviation Group Headquarters at Fort Benning
In 1966, the 179th was loaded up and moved overseas to Dong Ba Thin, South Vietnam
USS John Pope at Cam Ranh Bay
Dong Ba Thin Company area
Helicopters arrive at Dong Ba Thin
On the flight line
Spence, Murphy, Whalens, Murray
Flight Operations Vehicles
Company hdqtrs, ops, & supply rms.
Tents and airfield at Holloway
Bathrooms and French bunkers.
179th tent city (wash house to left)
Tent life at Holloway
Company fly over
Shortly after arrival in Vietnam, the 179th was transfered to the 52nd Combat Aviation Battalion stationed at Camp Holloway in Pleiku, Vietnam. It's primary goal was to resupply artillary and infantry units fighting in the Central Highlands.
Shops in Pleiku
The recreation/tourism area
Aerial of Montanyard village.
105 artillery landing zone
Monsoon: rain and mud
Flying high
Looking for LZ in cloud cover.
Locked and loaded.
Waiting for Bob Hope tour. Sp5 Elison on on, first injured.